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22 августа 1999, 17:30 (9013 дня назад, №7985)

Вышел FAR 1.63b
Из нового:
1. New command line option: -u <username>
It allows to have separate settings for different users.
2. Shift-Enter key can be used in edit controls to insert a file name under cursor from the active panel.
3. When indenting in the internal editor FAR copies space characters from the previous line, if any, instead of inserting spaces as before.
4. New %%S variable in archive support plugin allows to specify place in the command line to insert optional switches.
5. Corrections in memory management in editor color API.
This version should release all memory allocated for editor highlighting immediately after closing editor.
6. FAR hung after execution of "Align block" plugin in the read-only editor mode (Ctrl-L). Fixed now.
7. RAR.FMT now understands RAR 2.60 extension of the archive format, which allows to store huge files (larger than 2Gb).
8. Ukrainian GOST character table is added to Addons\Tables\Ukrainian.
9. Changes in plugins API.

Опубликовано: Пётр Соболев

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