Wandering Camera

Album 60
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


Continuation of the Smolny cathedral theme.
Today we'll go up and look around.


Though it seems that these three shots were made in some kind of dungeons, actually shots were made at quite a great height. Such "dungeons" can be observed on the way up, to the viewing area.
Now we're at the viewing area from where we'll be looking at the surroundings. One of the cathedral domes is close at hand.
Rastrelli square (front door of the cathedral faces it) is in the foreground under us.

Shpalernaya street recedes into a distance (formerly it was called Voynov street).

Unfortunately, I don't know what the yellow building is seen from behind the dome at these two shots - maybe anyone can suggest? There is no sign on it.
Smolnaya embankment (on this side) and Sverdlovskaya - on the opposite.

Swedish fortress "Nienshanz" was situated on that Neva bank once.

These undistinguished by sight (from above :) buildings which seem to be pressed to each other are the Smolny institute.

Bolsheokhtinsky bridge is in the center of the shot.

Draw of Bolsheokhtinsky bridge. We'll come back to it in one of the following albums.
Receding into the distance Suvorovsky prospect. Building of Leningradskaya oblast administration is in the left from the dome.

In the next album we'll touch on the Smolny institute and its (as well as Smolny monastery) surroundings... 

By the way, one more project similar to the theme of Wandering Camera has appeared on www.enlight.ru  - it's photograph albums by Alexey Semenov.


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