Wandering Camera

Album 335
(Translated b
y Pavel Sokolov)


This is a quite unusual album…
Normally, it would be a long time before these buildings appeared on Wondering Camera. But something justifies their appearance. What many of these buildings have in common is that they are going to be demolished soon.


The first part of the album shows Shkapina and Rosenshtaina streets (and their surroundings). This is near Baltiyskaya metro station (and Baltiyskiy railway station).

Since these buildings have not been renovated/rebuilt in a long time, there is an idea (it is practically a decided matter), that it would be easier to demolish them and build something new.

Though this neighborhood is not very pleasant.
The environment is quite polluted - there are factories, heavy truck traffic on Obvodniy canal, etc.
There fore offices and retail centers are planned to be built here.
36 Shkapina street.

Private apartment building of engineer I. K. Bredal.
Built in 1914.

All tenants should move out by 2007 (about 30% of them have already moved out).
The building on the left is probably a fire station.
This is supposed to be funny…
According to the map this is a rubber shoe factory. Now, as with most factories, the building is rented out as office space.
A forsaken railroad line bound for Krasniy Treugolnik (Red Triangle) factory.

The building on the right and further away is the first building in St. Petersburg by architect M. S. Lyalevich. Built in 1903 - 1904.

45 Shkapina street.

 Refrigerator-warehouse of "Br.Vestey" trading house.
The architect is F. F. fon Postels, 1908, 1914.

Here we have moved to a different area - Krukov canal embankment. This place is know for the fact that the buildings are going to be demolished, in order to make room for a second stage of the Mariinskiy theatre in the "modern architecture" style (the theatre itself is behind us).

Once we have discussed this topic previously. Since then, as far as I know, the final decision has been made to demolish the Pervoy Pyatiletki Centre (on the far right) and build something of glass in its place.

Anyhow, in the picture (5 Krukov canal embankment) we can see a Litovskiy (Lithuanian) Marketplace Shop (by architect J. Kvarengi, end of 18th century). Its name is related to the Litovskiy castle, which used to be located nearby (on the other side of Dekabristov street, across from Pervoy Pyatiletki Centre).

5Литовский замок This is what Litovskiy castle looked like in the past.

(the picture is taken from here)

A different view of the same castle.

The building was designed by architect Starov and constructed in 1787 for the Lithuanian regiment barracks.

In 1823, after a slight reconstruction, the building became a jail which could house 500 inmates.

Among the prisoners were V. Zasulich, Korolenko, A. Kuprin.
In 1917, during the February revolution, the castle was burned down, and buildings were later built in its place.
In 1929, what was already Litovskiy market was demolished, and the Pervoy Pyatiletki Centre was built in its place.

(The picture of the castle was taken from http://www.nlr.ru)

If we now go under the arch of Litovskiy market, we can see the traces of old reconstruction (hard to tell whether they are from 1929 or earlier).
This is what we see if we look up.

This picture is dedicated to the well-yard enthusiasts :

This is how the building looks from the other side. This is clearly not 1929, but something pre-revolutionary.
In the past the roof of the prison chapel and one of the Litovskiy castle towers were adorned with angels holding crosses.

Before October 1918 the modern Dekabristov street was called Offitserskaya (Officer) street.

5a Krukov canal embankment.

School No. 243

A small street nearby. Probably Minskiy.

By the way, from February 26 to March 5 there was a photo exhibit called "Korea through my eyes" in the Eastern Studies Department of the St. Petersburg University. Some of my North Korea pictures were part of the exhibit, and I even won third place. :)



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