Wandering Camera

Album 295
(Translated b
y Andrei Frizyuk)


In the previous album we enjoyed the island views. Today we'll take a look at the Sandy Embankment (the one we were walking along in the previous album) and parts of the adjacent Admiral Lazarev Embankment, as well as the nearest neighbourhood.


House #10 is the Novinskie mansion, designed by the architect Nikolai E. Lansere in 1913.

It is surrounded by the 19th-century Viazemsky Garden.

House #16 was built to a design by A.I.Lapirov in 1961.

The memorial plaque reads:

"In this house from 1961 to 1997 lived and worked Mikhail Konstantinovich Anikushin - the outstanding Russian sculptor, Hero of the Socialist Labour, Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg".

Among his more famous works I recall the Lenin monument on the Moscow Square and the Pushkin monument on the Arts Square.

One more "elite" apartment house is being built to the left.

A girl walking a dog.

Or, perhaps, a dog walking a girl, judging by the former's air of self-confidence :)

Apparently an apartment house dating back to the late 1930s
This mansion was designed and built by the architect Lev A. Ilyin for himself in 1911-13. It had become the property of Grand Duke Dimitri Konstantinovich by 1917.

As the original mansion house was demolished in the 1930s, what we see is a recent reconstruction (1997), and a rather faithful one, at that. It differs from the original by such features as the upper storey of the left wing.

The building currently belongs to the Ministry of the Interior.

On the left side sprawls the LDM complex, but we have a separate album about it.

Straight ahead lies the Great Krestovsky Bridge.

The first wooden bridge at this place was set up in 1850.

Owing to the construction of the Kirov Stadium on Krestovsky Island, the modern five-arch metal all-welded bridge with a two-winged drawspan in the centre was built to a design by the architect L.A.Noskov and the engineer P.V.Andreevsky in 1949-51.

The length of the bridge is about 140 metres; its width is 25 metres.

Drawspan mechanisms may be seen jutting out below the bridge.

As my book says, the railings are styled after the 18th-century fashion, so as to recall the grille of the Winter Canal (near the Winter Palace).

Today the building is occupied by the "Neva Channel" TV station.

Mansion/office of the Kolobovs (a notable family of St.Petersburg merchants).
Architect: Romanchenko

A turret of the forementioned house


House #43A was built as Kolobov's library

The embankment was lined with granite panels after the WWII. The Malaya Nevka banks were straightened too. These works were carried out to a design by the Lengiproinjproekt Institute.
As my book states, the Sandy Embankment "got its name from the sandy riverbank of the Malaya Nevka".

A small memorial may be seen here...

...but I can't say who it is dedicated to.
Let's turn the corner and walk along the Levashovsky Avenue for a while. A bread-baking plant and its shop are to be seen.
The plant is called Darnitsa
The main building was constructed in the 1930s to a design by Alexander S. Nikolsky
It is a standard bread-baking plant with a spiral mechanism of interior service. One other such plant is at the Kushelevka, two more are in Moscow. Flour is supplied to the very top of the building; it is formed into bread during its downward motion. Bread lorries are parked below: after the loading is complete, they deliver bread products across the city.
View of the plant from an opposite side
Now we are on the Admiral Lazarev Embankment
This is the House 18 on the Reznaya Street.

It's probably called the Glukhovsky House and dates back to the 1810s.

We arrive to the Great Krestovsky Bridge (already known to us) from another direction.

The LDM building looms a little bit to the right.

The Lazarevsky Bridge also leads to Krestovsky Island (from the Pionerskaya Street).

It was constructed on wooden piers with metal beams to a design by the engineer V.V.Blazewicz in 1947-49. Before that it had been known as the Koltovsky Bridge.

As in the case of its predecessor, the bridge length is about 140 metres, but the width is merely 10 metres, the structure being intended for tramway traffic only.

The Volcano Factory chimneys and parts of the Petrovsky Island can be discerned far in the distance.



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