Wandering Camera

Album 23
(Translated by


This album contains pictures of the western part of Fontanka River and Obvodny Channel and vicinities.
A bit muddled, but geographically correct. :)


Staro-Kalinkin Bridge - one of the two twin bridges over Fontanka River (Lomonosov Bridge being the second). They used to be drawbridges but now they just make an impression of such. jul16_06.jpg (21508 bytes)
jul20_05.jpg (27289 bytes) Sphinx on the Fontanka River embankment near the Egypt Bridge (where the river crosses Lermontov prospect.)
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Izmaylovsky Cathedral. It is hard to find a good angle that would allow to hide the marks time left on its walls and columns. A statue behind the columns of the cathedral.
A building on the Moskwina prospect. jul20_16.jpg (23400 bytes)
jul25_01.jpg (24875 bytes) The place where Fontanka and Obvodny Channel merge surrounding the Galerny Island (to the right). Behind the bridge ahead one can see the Finsky Gulf near the Neva River entry.
Galerny Island. The object in the middle is a part of the wall facing the water.

It is a pity that many of the islands, especially ones close to the Gulf, are inaccessible. Usually they are already taken over by some companies or shipyards and protected with high fences.

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jul25_03.jpg (20220 bytes) The last bridge over Fontanka River, the same one as in the beginning of this album.
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A building on the Pryazhka River Embankment.
jul25_10.jpg (41164 bytes) A grille nearby. It protects the entrance of some Research Institute located in the former palace, which is very poorly maintained nowadays. Rich vegetation did not allow me to take a picture of it. 
This scenic place is found on a channel surrounding the Novoadmiralteyskiy Island (on the left). It is also possible that these are still the waters of Pryazhka River. jul25_11.jpg (22212 bytes)
jul25_13.jpg (22477 bytes) Admiralteyskiy Channel. The Isakievskiy Cathedral dome is seen far ahead. 

By the way, an intensive construction is still going on the Truda Square, across the fence.
They say it is going to be something like a mall.

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Valaamskiy Monastery not far from the Narvskaya Metro Station. Probably it used to occupy much bigger area, but was pressed by residential buildings.  jun27_19.jpg (35155 bytes)
jun27_25.jpg (26770 bytes) Narvskie Gates.
The Bogoyavleniya Church at the crossing of Obvodny Channel and Ekateringofka River. It resembles a lot one church on the Lieutenant Shmidt Embankment. jul20_19.jpg (32500 bytes)
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A view of the Gulf and a part of the Bely Island from the Kanonersky Island. The latter is accessible by an underground tunnel but I strongly discourage you from attempting to walk trough it, as I did. Taking a bus is much more comfortable. :)

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