Wandering Camera

Album 154
(Translated by


This and following albums will show some buildings of Kamennoostrovsky (Kirovsky) prospect. 
Mostly they called "Profitable" - it means that they were built for getting profit by rent.


e will begin from the house near the underground station "Chernaya Rechka". In fact it is situated on Akademik Krylow Street, which will transformate in Kamennoostrovsky prospect across 100 meters.

This house was filmed in Russian picture "The Adventures of Sherlok Holmes and Doctor Watson", "A Sketch in Deep Red Tone" (here "was killed" Drebber).They say - it is Victorian style (gothics). 

Maybe because of that reason the house was chosen for the film.
Earlier it belonged to grafinya Saltykova (It was projected by architector G.A.Bosse in the middle of 19 century).

This viaduc (called "Ushakovskaya denouement") was built a year ago along the bank of Big Nevka river and connects Ushakovskaya embankment with Primorsky prospekt.

It was discussed a lot about admittance of such objects in the historical part of the city. Viaduc has totally changed the view and blocked the part of the Navy Academy.

But there were a lot of troubles with traffic without it. Maybe it should be better to build a tunnel, but it is obviously more expencive.

That is Primorsky prospect. Viaduc is to the right. The Big Nevka river is to the left.
The Ushakovsky brige and the view to the Navy Academy.
The TV-tower and one of the columns on the bridge.

The Ushakovsky bridge was built in 1953-1954 by the ingeneer project of V.V.Demchenko and B.B.Levin and also by the architects P.A.Areshev and V.S.Vasilkovsky.

Earlier from 1781 by the Kamennoostrovsky palace the Stroganovsky bridge situated here.

The top of the column.

The simplified view of Admiral Nakhimov Order is shown here.

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (1802-1855) - the admiral of the Russion Black Sea Navy, the hero of Sinope and Sevastopol battles. He died on Sevastopol bastions on june 30 1855.

The order was established in 1944.On another side of the column - Admiral Ushakov Order.Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov (1744-1817) - the admiral, one of the creators and the commander of the Russian Black Sea Navy.Gained several victories.

In 1944 in USSR were established the order and the medal in his honour.

The Church of St.Ioann.

Projected by U.M.Felten, built in 1776-1781. It was laid for the family of the Emperor Pavel 1 in honour of the victories over the Turkish. It is one of the two christian churches of the Malta order (in spite of that fact that Malta order it self is catolic).

…Here is the bridge control station, restorated resently.

As I was said it looked so from the very finishing of the bridge building, but I don`t remember it.

The second control station in Lopuhinsky garden near the second bridge - accordingly in classic style.

This building (in front of the booth) was built in XVIII century as house for disabled men. 

In XX century to the 1980 Olympic Games it was rebuilt in the sport centre (in fact only walls from the earlier building were leaved). 

How much it looks like previous ones - unknown.

The Kamennoostrovsky bridge. 

To the left - greenhouse on the Kamenny island.

The bridge is rimed so it has such colour.

In spite of that Kamennoostrovsky and Ushakovsky bridges are similar, they have different columns.
But their fences are still similar.
This photograph is gathered from several another. That`s why the prospect seems to be convex.
The house of the Second Kamennoostrovsky Community of the Flat`s Owners.
The house was built in 1913-1914 by the project of A.I.Zazersky and I.I.Yakovlev. 
The corner sculpture under the roof.
Another house across the prospekt.

The Former children shelter and school of Sadovnikov and Gerasimov.Was built in 1881-1883 by the project of the architects Kharlamov and Timopheev (including L.N.Benua). Now it is a tuberculosis dispensary.

The house of the Union Experimental Medicine Institute workers. In fact - it was built so (because the Institute it self is right here).

Was built in 1931-1937 by the project of N.E.Lansere.

Some details of the facade. The upper letters - is the Institute`s abbreviation. Dogs and frogs are the objects of the experiments. People - probably medicine scientists. If you know something about them, please write. 
The profitable house of Markov (architect V.A.Shuchko,1910-1911).

Markov as an architect too has built the walls.: ) 

Mind your attention: this house reminds of building of Stalin Period. Just after the revolution of 1917 they refused of such style (neoclassics) to constructivizm (as Culture House of Lensovet in the next album), but after in the middle of 1930 years returned to it again.

The column and balcony of this house.

To the left - the facade detail of the next house by the same architect.

As you have probably seen - in the right part of the Wandering Camera MAIN PAGE the new division has appeared: "The most interesting in Saint-Petersburg". It will content pictures of the most famous buildings and places with short information, adresses and links to the map. Some pictures were already published in our albums, some are new. Also is ready the page about "PALACES", "Churches" are coming soon.


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