Wandering Camera

Album 139
(Translated by Ilya Saprykin)


Continuing the journey to Old Ladoga, we'll visit the place where the Uspensky (Assumption) female monastery used to be.There were two buses with kids (they were the only tourists we have seen, aside from two or three cars with St.Petersburgian license plates).


Remains of a tower and a part of the wall.

First notions of the monastery are dated as belonging to the XV century.

The monastery is situated between the highway and river Volhov.
It is fenced by a wall of red brick, but the wall looks pretty simple and contemporary for the most part.
The Uspensky cathedral is to the right.
To the left is Trapeznaya (dining apartments), 1858.

This is a view from Volhov (far away you can see the building from the previous shot).

In front of Trapeznaya is a kids' playground. I've been told that there was a hospital for mentally ill children, so this might be it.

Uspensky cathedral. Originally built in XII century, rebuilt in XVII. Looks like there's no admittance inside - the territory reminds of heavy construction works.
An interesting window, just like in Great Novgorod.
The brick building must be the Krestovozdvizhenskaya church (1862). But the architecture is strange for a church - the source must've been mistaken.

I couldn't identify the plated construction, but it might be a tomb.

The Uspensky monastery is famous for the fact that Peter I placed his first wife here - Evdokija Fyodorovna Lopuhina lived there for 7 years.
Sometimes the buildings look fresh...
...and sometimes very dated (both shots are of the same wall).
Nearby are the gates, leading to Volhov. The sign on the left reads:



Same building and gate, riverside view.
And this is Volhov itself. Looks quite severe.
Now we shall leave the monastery and cross the road.
This must be the local club.
And aside, in the center of the cemetery, is the Alexeevskaya church. It is the parochial church of the Uspensky monastery.
Built in 1833, and rebuilt in the year 2000 in the memory of CEO of "Volhov's Aluminium" Alekseev V.A. ;-)
Further we can see the bridge over the Ladozhka river. This river flows aside the fortress (left to the bridge), where we are going in the next album.



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