Wandering Camera

Album 172
(Translated by
Larissa Rogacheva)


At the beginning of the Ligovskiy prospect and Zhukovskogo Street in the surroundings of old (mostly end of 19th century) buildings in 1967 was placed:
The Big Concert Hall- "Oktiabrskiy". It replaced another "public" building - The Greek Church.


The project by architects Z.Verzhbitskiy, G. Vlanin, V. Zhuk, N. Kamenskiy and engineer N. Maksimov.

The Hall will seat up to 4000 people.

The architect Z. Verzhbitskiy is known as an author of the airport "Pulkovo"(1973)

V. Zhuk built the "TUZ" theaters building at the "Pionerskaia" square (1955-1962)

Above the main entrance the long frieze by sculptor M. Anikushin celebrating 50th anniversary of "October" revolution.
(The Hall was built as a part of this "golden jubilee")
Not surprisingly the revolution and the civil war are the themes of the frieze.

The logons on the banners: " All the power to Soviets ", "II All-Russian congress of Soviets"…

Next to the entrance we see a sculpture "October". The model made by A. Matveev as far back as 1927, but it was cast in bronze in 1968.

It portraying respectively: a red army soldier, a factory worker and a peasant.

I like to notice here, that on its one I found this composition rather impressive, but it is dwarfed next to the vast building and loosing all its impact.
On the right side of The Hall is standing the one of the oldest hospitals in St-Petersburg: Dr's Rauksfast Children's Hospital, but the only entertaining part about it is its chimneys..




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